
let’s sue France’s most polluting bank!

For years, Friends of the Earth France, Notre Affaire à Tous and Oxfam France have been alerting to the heavy responsibility of finance in the climate crisis, engaging with banks to prevent them from financing the fossil fuel industry, and denouncing the refusal of successive governments to regulate the financial sector. Facing insufficient action by economic and political decision-makers, the three NGOs have therefore launched an unprecedented legal action.
flèche Get the court to force BNP Paribas to stop developing fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas.

The objective?

Together, we can stop BNP’s destructive activities on the environment and human rights!
We are already paying a high price for climate disasters and the energy crisis.

It is time for our money to finally fund the transition towards sustainable futures, not additional decades of dependence on coal, oil and gas.

BNP Paribas’ emissions footprint is larger than France’s territorial emissions


BNP Paribas is the 1st European financier of fossil fuel development (between 2016 and 2022)


BNP Paribas is the world’s leading financier of 9 oil and gas majors, including Total (between 2016 and 2022)


1. Oxfam France, 2021, Banques et climat : le désaccord de Paris.

2. Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack, Indigenous Environmental Network, Oil Change International, Reclaim Finance, Sierra Club, Urgewald, 2023, Banking On Climate Chaos.

3. Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack, Indigenous Environmental Network, Oil Change International, Reclaim Finance, Sierra Club, Urgewald, 2023, Banking On Climate Chaos.

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persons already endorsed the legal action!
The number of signatories will send a strong signal to the judge.
Your support can make a difference,
so sign the petition too!
Objective: 100 000 signatories

Why BNP Paribas ?

From climate disasters to soaring energy prices, the crises we are experiencing are a violent reminder of the serious consequences of our economic model’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Ensuring a just ecological transition requires the main polluters to face their responsibilities. Among them are large companies, and in particular large banks, that contribute each year to greenhouse gas emissions greater than those of France. With the largest emissions footprint, BNP Paribas and its financial support for fossil fuels enables the multiplication of oil and gas projects worldwide, thereby destructive and irreversible consequences on human rights and the environment. BNP Paribas’ support for the development of new climate bombs must be prevented and such practices banned for the entire sector in order to limit global warming below 1.5°C.

Planet Over Profit

Because of the urgency of shifting finance out of the extreme vulnerability in which fossil fuels lock us into today, Friends of the Earth France, Notre Affaire à Tous and Oxfam France, are calling on the court to ensure justice.

Our latest news

BNP AGM: climate commitments still a long way off
Deciphering: one year after being taken to court, BNP Paribas called upon to put an end to the expansion of fossil fuels
BNP AGM: scientists and NGOs invite themselves to the party

Endorse the campaign on social networks

The associations leading the BNP Paribas case

The federation of Friends of the Earth is a non-profit association for human rights and the protection of the environment. Created in 1970, Friends of the Earth France helped to build the French ecological movement. Friends of the Earth gather 75 groups and over two million supporters around the world.
Notre Affaire à Tous is an association under the law of 1901 formed in the summer of 2015 that uses the law as a means to protect the living, the natural commons and the climate. It seeks to establish through law, advocacy and citizen mobilisation, a responsibility of humans towards all forms of Living.
Oxfam France has been working for 30 years to mobilise citizen power against inequality and its causes. Oxfam France is a member of the Oxfam Confederation, an international development organisation that mobilises citizen power against poverty. The NGO works in more than 90 countries to find sustainable solutions to end the injustices that drive poverty.